Rights & Duties of Members of the Constituent Assembly of Lok Rajniti Manch
Rights of Members of the Constituent Assembly-
1 "Out of all the objectives provided by each constituent organizations and each coalition, to the extent possible, most of the objectives shall be included and accommodated in the Common Manifesto of the Alliance." ’’
2 To function as a "Rashtra Sabha" or "House of Nations" just like the Rajya Sabha and the Lok Sabha.
3 To make bills to Parliament and to the Government when a coalition government is formed and to make policy directions for making laws to fulfill the objectives of the coalition
Duties of members of the Constituent Assembly-
1 The Constituent Assembly shall meet at least once in six months, in which the work done by the Compliance Committee will be reviewed in 6 months and proposals for upcoming programs will be discussed.
2 The duties of the members of the Constituent Assembly of the Coalition shall be:
1) To have allegiance to the Constitution of the Alliance.
2) Adhering to discipline in accordance with the Constitution and miscellaneous rules of the alliance.
3) Each constituent party and each constituent coalition shall deposit its share of the amount in the account by the stipulated date as decided by the Constituent Assembly.
4) To maintain friendly relations between the officials of the constituents and to remain constantly vigilant and work to curb factionalism.
5) To reach out to convenors, national presidents and permanent representatives of all the constituents at their own expense to the event organized by any constituent. Information about reaching the program should be made available to the concerned organizer and coalition office at least 4 days in advance through the permanent representative.
6) Not to make any indecent remarks by any constituent party or its office bearers against the office-bearers of any other party, which insult the target persons.
7) The obligations conferred on him as decided by the Constituent Assembly shall be fulfilled by all the constituents in a timely manner.
8) It shall be the duty of the coalition-affiliated coalitions to keep the information of the alliance available to the political parties and social organizations associated with their alliance, to ensure their presence in the meetings of the Constituent Assembly of the alliance and in the public awareness and power demonstration programs of the coalition, to ensure that the financial contributions received from time to time in the part of their member parties and social organizations are deposited with the coalition.