Objectives of drafting the Constitution of Alliance
The following 22 points are the objectives of constitution making-
1. The coalition should work on a written constitution-
1.1 So that the alliance could be protected from breaking apart due to disputes,
1.2 So that the alliance can be run in a democratic and transparent manner.
1.3 So that the alliance can be prevented from going on the path of betrayal with the people.
1.4 So that alliance of cadre of parties at the state level, mandal level, district level and block level could become possible; rather than the alliance of only top leaders.
1.5 So that in the event of an attack on the elected leader of the opposition,.
1.6 So that it could become possib le immediately to produce a new leader of the opposition through the constitutional process of the coalition;
1.7 So that the coalition government if formed in 2024, can be sustainable and durable.
2. To discover and make rules for settlement of disputes among the members of the coalition.
3. To discover and make the rules for collective decision-making system.
4. To make rules for the entry of new parties and organizations in the alliance.
5. To make rules for entry of new alliances into the alliance.
6. To make rules for representation of different political ideologies, economic classes, sects, religions, genders, castes, geographical regions in the decision-making process of the alliance.
7. To discover the formula of distribution of the works in the coalition i.e. dividing the powers of the coalition into several pillars rather than concentrating in one hand by making rules for separation of power and making provisions for quick decision-making in the constitution of the coalition despite the presence of the provisions of distribution of power.
8. To formulate rules to give representation to at least state, district and block office-bearers of all member organizations in the decision-making process of the alliance.
9. To formulate rules for the elections of the executive head of the alliance.
10 To determine the rights and duties of member organizations.
11. To draft the Preamble of the Constitution.
12. To discover rules for providing protection to victims of the conspiracy of crony capitalists to "divide and exploit".
13. To discover and make rules regarding allocation of seats in elections.
14. To prepare the rules relating to reporting of proceedings of meetings to create transparency of decisions of alliance.
15. To make rules on the following subjects relating to group meetings and rallies:
a) Rules on stage management in mass meetings
b) Rules for addressing mass meetings.
c) Rules regarding mass awareness programs.
d) Rules regarding mass meetings and rallies
f) Rules of business of Constituent Assembly.
16 To make rules for conducting the sessions of the People's Parliament and creating rules for publication of publicity content.
17. To make rules regarding penalties for breaking the code of conduct, rules and discipline by members of the alliance.
18. To formulate rules relating to fund collection, fund maintenance and expenditure of the alliance.
19. To make competent rules so that alliances are not hijacked by trillionairs and deviated from their purpose.
20. To make rules relating to separation of constitution and rules.
21. To make rules for exchange of information between the workers working on the ground and the Central Committee of the coalition.
22. Rules should be made to make an office-bearer of a member organization an office-bearer of coalition or of office-bearer of a member alliance.