More than 50,000 people demonstrated for a treaty to form government of homeland of Asian Region and to make act for Votership right

Voters Party International, VPI organized a massive peaceful demonstration by more than one lac people on its Foundation Day 17th November, in Rangia town
(Kamrup) of Assam

To eliminate economic slavery, the Voters Party International (VPI) has organized a massive peaceful demonstration and has demanded a fundamental change in the present unjust politico-economic order. This demonstration took place in the town of Kamrup district of Assam state. More than one lac people participated in this demonstration. While addressing the gathering the founder and Policy Director of Voters Party International sought approval and support for the formation of a government of the Homeland of the Asian region and to act for Votership Rights. Raising their hands, the demonstrations expressed their support for the above said two proposals mooted by Mr. Gandhi. This demonstration was organized on the occasion of the foundation day of the party i.e. 17th
November. Every year, on this day, the party celebrates the United Nations World Philosophy Day. Last year this program was held in New Delhi. Addressing the gathering Mr. Bharat Gandhi, the author of more than two dozen books on political and economic reforms, observed that the concept of Nationalism in India has never tightened into the boundaries. He added that in Indian culture, the whole world has been treated as one family. Introducing the adverse effect of European nationalism he said that the Government of our own country has kept the major part of Indian society itself in the detention of financial crisis deliberately just for maintaining
the cheap export to other countries. He also told the audience that due to reason of cheap export, the government has left 80% of the production of food grains to perish and clothes and medicine, etc. to destroy and expire. He said that the government is violating the order of the Supreme Court to distribute the food grains free of cost and is
maintaining economic slavery in the country just for cheaper export. The policy director of VPI demanded the enactment of a law namely voters to transfer Rs. 6000 per month amongst each and every voter of the country without condition. Explaining the reasons for the free distribution of wealth, Mr. Gandhi said that in today's
world economy the computer has snatched the jobs of the educated class and the tractors, bulldozers, and JCB machines have nearly eliminated the work of the non-educated class. He added that in this condition giving employment to each and every youth is not possible theoretically. Hence, therefore he added that only the distribution of money created by the labor of machines is the only solution to solve the financial crisis of households in the country.
Focusing on the management of the fund to distribute the amount of Votership, Mr. Bharat Gandhi informed the audience that if a treaty takes place to form a government of the Homeland of the Asian region, then the amount of 6000 rupees can easily be increased up to more than 10,000 rupees. He added that after the adoption of the collective defense system of at least Asian countries, the defense of the country will become more effective with a lesser budget. He added that the savings from the defense budget may be diverted towards the amount of Votership. The head of VPI Mr. Bharat Gandhi appealed to the public of Assam to give the mandate to his party by awarding the victory of candidates of the party in upcoming elections of Panchayat and general elections of Lok Sabha for
empowering the party to change the present faulty and unjust politico-economic order. The president of the All India Committee of VPI, the ex-Member of Parliament Mr. Brahmadev Anand Paswan said that the old thoughts and old thinkers have become irrelevant today. He added that today’s society needs fresh thought, fresh thinkers, fresh leadership, a fresh political party, and a fresh system of polity and economy. He stated that the Voters Party International is much more competent to perform this responsibility.  The state president of the party Mr. Lalit Pegu appealed to the public of the state of Assam to join this party. He added that only VPI is capable to render real development to the state and to maintain peace. Many other office bearers of the All India Committee and
the State Committee of the party addressed the gathering. The president of the Central Committee of the party Mr. Vijay Kumar Jain presided over the meeting held on the occasion of the foundation day of the party. Mr. Shajahan Sekh anchored the proceeding of the mass gathering.

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