“Voters Party International is not working only for replacing the party, but working to replace the present faulty political system, Party International is working to snatch the power of politicians hand to hand over the same to voters. These remarks were made by Vishwatma Bharat Gandhi the chief of voters party International. He was addressing the state-level conference of office bearers said Vishwatma Bharat Gandhi, the Policy Director of Voters Party International, while addressing the party’s block and district committee office bearers in Rangiya today. The presence of office-bearers at the conference was so great that the hall of a capacity of 700 people was filled up in the auditorium below and in the balcony. Even after this half of the people could not enter the auditorium. The conference was called to review campaigning in the recently concluded Loksabha Elections and discuss the future strategy of the party.
Vishwatma said that the rule of leaders is not called democracy. Who has the right to spend the treasure money is the ruler in real means. Therefore, the matter is going to be created a Votership law and send half of the treasury to the direct voters’ account, so that the voters will get the right to govern. He said that for the purpose of giving right to governance to the voters, the Voters Party International has been conducting a mission of giving the right to the members of wards and heads of the more than 3 lac village to elect Prime Minister from the 545 members of parliament. The author of dozens of books on ‘reforming politics’ said that every single vote cast in the Lok Sabha election to Voters Party International is actually the vote cast to the voter itself. Whereas votes cast to other parties go in the account of politicians, which they turn into notes. This is the fundamental difference between Voters Party International and other parties.
He said that this is another renaissance that belongs to the voters when they are fighting leaders for their economic freedom. Therefore, regardless of the results after the election, party workers should take away the rally for the proposal of thank for the support of the people in villages and cities and motivate them to rise above the boundaries of caste, sect, religion, party, and country and work together to create their organization. He said that the organization of those who make voters slaves is international. Therefore, the international organization of voters can compete with them. Prior to this, Assam State President Lalit Pegu presented the details of the earning and expenditures in the elections. The conference was also addressed by the State President of the Economic Freedom Movement, Tarani Basumatari, Mahendra Oron, Purnima Deka, Abu Samad, Shahjahan Sheikh, Vipul Narjari, and Maniram Boro, etc.
The certificates were distributed to the office bearers of the state at the conference and it was instructed that a similar conference to held at the district and block level and the distribution of certificates to be done there.