Voters party International organised camp in Dimapur for reforming the dirty politics and personality development

Dimapur Nagaland 19 May.
Some social workers in Nagaland organized 3 days camp in the Don Bosco school auditorium. This camp was organized true refer to the irrelevant political system Vishwas created in the 16th and 18th centuries and for teaching tips for personality development. The camp was organized on the forum of Voters Party International throws its State committee of Nagaland. For training the participants Vishwatma Bharat Gandhi. The policy director of voters party International arrived in Dimapur from Delhi. many intellectual send social workers from various districts of Nagaland participated in the camp.
While training on the personality development tips Mr. Vishwatma said that it is necessary to everybody introspect and went out the merit given by nature which is most powerful in comparison to others he added that the goal of life must be fixed as per day said merit of individual he said that it is also necessary to underline those provisions of the constitution and laws which are restraining one’s progress in life, he added that everybody must make an organized effort to amend the above said underlined laws and constitutional provisions.
Introducing the entire public laws Mr. Vishwatma informed the participants that the present legal and constitutional structure is made on the expired ideology of narrow nationalism, where it is established that 90% population of the country must be excluded from the purchasing power to maintain the cheaper exports. He said due to such many political superstitions the financial crisis in the majority of families is injected deliberately by the present faulty governing system consequently the widespread poverty is the output of deliberate economic salary and artificial poverty maintained by the government’s own country. Suggesting solutions to overcome this situation Mr. Vishwatma proposed that today everybody must join hands 2 to convince the government to hold an international treaty to form a common government and parliament, common judiciary and police, common army, and currency notes on similar lines of the European Union. He said that the collectivism of governance will be lost the relevance of poverty maintained by the economic slavery of the majority population. Hate that the collectivism of governance will save his money which is today spent in preparation for wars.
Describing the the present economics of education of the households Mr vishwatma said that due to International competition of minimising the cost of production the automation in production sector is replacing manpower consequently this computer is capturing the jobs of educated class and tractor JCB machines capturing the jobs of less educated community he added that consequently there is no scope in economy her job and employment in traditional terms he informed the participants that represented the solution of this problem in parliament by help of 137 members of parliament in 14th Lok sabha added that this parliamentarians presented repetition in both houses and demanded the distribution of earnings of machines and earning of natural resources amongst the voters of the country he said after 6 years long deliberations the proposal was accepted by the expert committee of the parliament in 2011 but still this proposal is kept in cold storage he said that if if the said proposal was accepted and was translated into law then today every water might have been able to receive about 6000 rupees monthly but unfortunately the voters don’t know their economic rights. Consequently, the defined cell crisis in families is still persisting even after 13 years.
While training on international reforms Mr. Vishwatma Seth that the amendment in the charter of the United Nations has become urgent true maintain the peace and progress of all presidents of this earth. Stated that today internet technology has connected all the residents of the earth irrespective of the nation States but the traditional and irrelevant definitions of citizenship nationality democracy sovereignty extra have become a hindrance in the progress of human beings. He informed the participants that the Voters Party International has evolved the alternate order of polity and economy not for our country but for the whole world, he said this party is not working only for a segment of society but working fa the progress of voters of all parties that is why the nature of constitution of this party is para political comfortable for all political parties of the country and also for parties of other countries.
The administration of Nagaland arranged high security for Vishwatma in the Don Bosco school and during road and train travel. The camp was organized by the State committee office party International under the leadership of Ms. Chuckie Haralu.

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