Socialist Front Join if you are more sensitive and work for economic tension of poor, labor and farmers.
Nationalist Front Join if you are more sensitive and work for making the country more powerful in comparison of other countries of the world.
Communist Front Join if you have concluded that election operated democracy is dictatorship Billionaires on majority. That is why Marxist reforms in political system are needed.
Schedule Caste, SC Front Join if you are more sensitive and work for historical deprivation of community known as Schedule castes or Bahujan or Dalit.
Women Front Join if you are more sensitive and work for victimization of women caused by traditional habits of gender discrimination.
Unorganized Labor Front Join if you are more sensitive and work for the economic tension of laborers class who don’t have social security of fund and pensions, etc.
Organized Labor Front Join if you are more sensitive and work for the economic tension of laborers class working in registered companies and availing facility of fund and pensions but living in much tension due to bas condition of work and atrocities of employer.
Schedule Tribe (ST) Front Join if you are more sensitive and work for historical deprivation of community known as Schedule Tribes.
Farmers Front Join if you are more sensitive and work for economic tension of farmers having field of small and medium size.
Students Front Join if you are more sensitive and work for tension of students related to atrocities of college management and related to sinking scope of the jobs of students after completion of studies.
Youth Front Join if you are more sensitive and work for tension of youth who have stopped their studies but suffering from crisis of jobs and their suffocation of family life.
Traders Front Join if you are more sensitive and work for tension of businessmen caused by the government employees, by recession in market caused by AB minded traders who oppose distribution of wealth and amount of votership and oppose the formation of governments of Homeland of south Asian region and of earth.
Lawyers Front Join if you are more sensitive and work for tension of lawyers caused by financial crisis and by low purchasing power of the clients caused by AB minded lawyers who oppose distribution of wealth and amount of votership and oppose the formation of governments of Homeland of south Asian region and of earth.
Private Teachers Front Join if you are more sensitive and work for the economic tension of Private Teachers caused by atrocities of college management and who don’t have social security of fund and pensions, etc.
Community Front Join if you are more sensitive and work for tension and requirements of community  based on your caste. One department of this front works for one caste.
Private Doctors Front Join if you are more sensitive and work for the economic tension of Private Doctors caused by the government employees and who don’t have social security of fund and pensions, etc.
Regional Front Join if you are more sensitive and work for self respect, freedom and dignity of your geographical region. One department of this front works for one region.
Language Front Join if you are more sensitive and work for self respect, freedom and dignity of speakers of your language. One department of this front works for one language.
Votership Front – Join if you are more sensitive and work and wish to work for making law for votership right / birth economic rights of voters
Other Backward Classes, OBC Front Join if you are more sensitive and work and work for victimization of OBC community caused by traditional habits of social discrimination.
Leftist Front Join if you like the present and you observe that the modern society is moving towards better direction in comparison to past, and you are willing to work to reform the wrong traditional customs and work to inculcate modern thinking in the our society
Rightist Front Join if you like the culture of past and you observe that the modern society is moving towards wrong direction.
Scientific Hindu Front Join if you are more Protective for believers of Hindu Culture and wish to reform this culture in the light of scientific inventions and discoveries.
Scientific Muslim Front Join if you are more Protective for believers of Islamic Culture and wish to reform this culture in the light of scientific inventions and discoveries.
Scientific Christians Front Join if you are more Protective for believers of Christian Culture and wish to reform this culture in the light of scientific inventions and discoveries.
Bahujan Front Join if you are more sensitive and work for victimization of Schedule Castes or Bahujan or Dalit community caused by traditional habits of social discrimination.
Cosmopolitan Front Join if you want to work for world peace, for participation of wealth of whole world amongst all inhabitants of earth, for rule of law at the level of world and justice of each and every inhabitants of earth.
Environmentalist Front Join if you want to work to maintain ecological balances and to protect the environment of the earth
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Voters Party International