Is reservation a measure of sharing power or sharing money?

Some people have been saying for a long time that reservation is not a way to eliminate unemployment. This is a measure of power-sharing. Therefore, it should not be looked at from an economic point of view. It should be looked at from a social perspective. It is on this basis that they prove that social backwardness was considered backwardness in the Constitution but economic backwardness has not considered backwardness. That means family members of Shri Mulayam Singh Yadav and Shri Ram Vilas Paswan are backward and the rickshaws pullers of their own castes are not backward.

If the reservation is not a way to eliminate unemployment and is not a source of income, do one thing, prepare the beneficiaries of the reservation to take up posts in the Government Department, but not to get money. This will not only give participation in power (alleged) but also provide employment to the needy people of their own society with the money they will give up. Put another condition together. Those who take up government jobs from reservation get only one-fourth of the salary. The remaining three-fourths of the salary should be diverted compulsorily the children of their own community for education. If they will get educated much they will be able to participate in power.

If the people who get jobs by reservation do not do so, it should be understood that participation in power is a myth and political superstition, in fact, the only way to participate in money is reservation.  And there is no such thing as power other than money. Power and money are synonymous. The one who has more money is playing power like a puppet and political power is his servant. The real power is money. Political power is only a shadow of it. The master is money, the kingdom is just servants. Withdraw the treasury from the Government, then see how the government uses the army and the police?

In fact, the same people who had usurped the country’s wealth by flattering the British have propagated the wrong meaning of “power”. This propaganda is made to ensure that the real power, that is, money, may be kept in dark to draw the attention of the general public. Since 1947 we, the public of India have been victims of their propaganda. The real Manuists are the ones who do not consider money to be “power” and therefore always bury the campaign to distribute it. Beware of them who believe that all people of their caste or community will never be happy, who believe that the majority of their own community are like donkeys, reserved to carry goods.

This is the real Manuism. The Manuism does not belong to any caste. There are dangerous Manuwadis amongst the Dalits and in other backward classes. They are snakes of sleeves. Beware of them and save your society. Mr. Kansiram was himself misconceived and that is why said that “political power is the master key”.  But he did not know for life long that posts of governance are not power at all. The real power is money. That is why Dalits were not benefited even after getting political power. The same people who got jobs from the reservation and got money were benefited only. The remaining 98 percent are under the influence of cannabis. Ms. Mayawati understood this and so put all her strength into depositing money. But she also does not want all Dalits to understand this.

Mayawati is also a 24-carat Manuvadi because she also thinks that everyone cannot be happy. All donkeys will not be able to go haven i.e. participate into growth. If people eat well, they will produce food that will be useful to 97 percent of pigs.

There is a widespread superstition that reservation is not a measure of participation in real power, that is, money, it a measure of participation in the posts of government only. If you help in removing this superstition, you will do a lot of favour to your society.

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