The political right to vote without economic freedom is futile.

There was unprecedented work in the 14th Lok Sabha. Most of the MPs in the country had agreed to take an extraordinary decision in the interest of voters. If this decision had become law through Parliament, not a single citizen/farmer/unemployed person in the country would have committed suicide due to financial constraints today. No one has to bear the pain of the charge of sedition. Almost all those social, economic and political problems that you can imagine would have come to an end. But a unique incident took place that the Presidents of most of the political parties in the country stood up against the decision and neither allowed the discussion to proceed in Parliament on their own office nor allowed it to come to the fore through the media.

What that proposal was?

The political right to vote without economic freedom is futile.  In such a situation, it has become today possible to do all the works through machines which were done in past by human hands.  If the works of the brain are being done today by computer, then every citizen can be given the right to work.  How will the daily need for money be met to live in such a situation? We will go out from the race of world in the economy if the insistence on snatching away work from machines and computers will continue.  “Votership” is the result of this new revolutionary thinking to meet the economic and financial needs of the public. The motion was placed before the MPs in Parliament by a political thinker named Shri Vishwatma at that time.

• Those who are going to vote for the first time or those who choose politics as a way to serve the country and public should know about the concept of votership right in detail.  We need trained workers at the Village panchayat level across the country for votership education.  No matter which political party you are a voter, you should use your political power through a scientific system.

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